About us
What is Digital Observer Services?
Digital Observer Services (DOS) is a fisheries consultancy which specialises in Electronic Monitoring services. It uses SeaTube Electronic Monitoring equipment, high-definition cameras and supplied GPS information to produce a complete report on the vessel’s fishing activity.
DOS has at its core a team of professional scientists with broad experience in the different fields of the fishing industry and the scientific community, graduates and highly-qualified experts in marine resources and the environment, on-board scientific observers and port samplers.
DOS has been certified by Lloyd’s Registered Quality Assurance in accordance with quality management standard ISO 9001: 2008. In December 2015 it passed an external audit conducted by MRAG certifying that the SeaTube/DOS Monitoring System meets the requirements established by the ISSF (International Seafood Sustainability Foundation) for Electronic Monitoring Systems on board tuna purse seiners. The AZTI Marine Research Center also accepts the SeaTube/DOS System for verification of Good Practices in tuna freezer ships.
The SeaTube/DOS Electronic Monitoring System has been used in scientific pilot projects concerning the suitability of Electronic Monitoring Systems for fishing activities performed by both longliners and purse seiners in different oceans, and the procedures, skills and experience possessed by DOS have provided many of those positive results.
DOS analyses the video information collected by the Satlink SeaTube system and generates scientific reports on fishing activity based on scientific methods and irrefutable visual evidence. DOS also helps establish regional data inspection centers, provides training and performs audits in line with our quality criteria.
Our services
We handle the design and maintenance of the Sea Tube Electronic Observer as well as analyse the information collected by the system, enabling us to demonstrate the independence and invulnerability of the system and certify fishing activity.
Electronic monitoring of fishing activity, management of on-board equipment, and control and safekeeping of information, are increasingly aspects requiring specialist and distinctive expertise.
Specialists in tuna fisheries management at a global level. Design of projects, analysis of data, statistical studies, obtaining of licences, etc.